Here at , we advise employers that run businesses of all sizes and types about their legal responsibilities to comply with federal and state overtime laws. An employer must make a careful decision about whether a worker is exempt, nonexempt...

Year: 2017
Keller school district sues builders for defective foundation
Here at , we represent all types of parties involved in Texas construction projects — public, residential or commercial — in the resolution of disputes over contracts, defects, warranties, insurance and more. Our lawyers advise...
Texas employers: create strong anti-discrimination practices
Every Texas employer should consult with legal counsel early and often about how to create a workplace in which employees and job applicants feel protected from illegal discrimination and harassment.In addition, with direction and advice from an employment law...
Consider a special needs trust to protect your disabled child
As part of our estate planning practice, we advise the parents of minor and adult children with disabilities in Texas about how to provide for their kids financially after the parents pass away. One of the most important vehicles to consider to meet this need is the...